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Jun 13, 17

#AlertaAtenco: Invasion Seeking the Construction of the Airport of Death Moves Closer

Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra

San Salvador Atenco, Estado de Mexico, June 6th, 2017

We denounce:

In the course of this morning (June 6th), the people of Atenco and members of the Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra were attacked by a violent group of approximately 200 people. The group was lead by the PRIISTA Alejandro Santiago, imposter of the ejidal commissioner who is committed to impose, continue and forcefully guarantee the business bringing the airport project and its dispossession. Today they face protests from the neighboring communities affected by the toll and the heavy machinery being used to move materials through the streets and paths of our communities.

We name responsible the ejido commissioner of San Salvador Atenco for the aggressions against the inhabitants that defend their territory and respect for their right to sovereign decision-making, to oppose everything that harms their community life.

We name responsible the PRIISTA government of Enrique Peña Nieto for all the damage that he continues causing to our territory and social ties as a result of the imposition of the airport that only promises death and destruction to the people, and impunity, illegality and illicit enrichment to the capitalist mafia.

We call on all of the inhabitants of Atenco and sister communities to get together and organize. The decision of dispossession is being imposed by few who have turned their backs on the people, when it should be the people–youth, elders, women, children, ejido and non-ejido members–who make the most important decisions. More important so, when those making the decisions are threatening the integrity of the people and community life.

Enough of the arrogance and impunity of those who have put a price on the people!

The toll, the dispossession, the invasion and the imposition can only be stopped with unity and organization.

The earth is not sold, itś loved and defended!

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