Filed under: Announcement, Capitalism, Gentrification, Technology, US
The following is a call to resist the construction of a new Amazon HQ as well as build solidarity with Amazon workers. To read a background on global struggles against Amazon and the world that it is creating, go here.
The sum total of all social evil is being concentrated into a single entity: Amazon. The technology giant, with its tremendous logistical and algorithmic powers, is building an unfree world all around us. In the past, colonies were built far away from the Empire. Now, they are constructed in the hearts of city centers, guarded off from the rest of the world. In the coming months, Amazon intends to announce a location for HQ2, its proposed second headquarters. The effects of this operation, in which the world’s richest man would build a $4B megaplex to facilitate the growth of his delusional science fiction fantasies, would be utterly catastrophic.
We are not interested in compromise, only in a fight. This is a call out to
#Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is now the richest person in the world, as the online commerce giant slashes wages and pushes forward automation. In Europe, workers are responding with strikes and arson attacks. Will the proletarian retail revolt spread?
— It's Going Down (@IGD_News) December 22, 2017
Find ways to act in solidarity with strikers, union battles, and Amazon employees in general. Amazon delivery trucks serve every part of your town. Find out where they keep their lockers and store fronts. Whole Foods is Amazon. There are distribution and fulfillment centers on the outskirts of every major city. Their poisonous ecosystem is growing all around us, and we must hold them accountable for its negative impact on our lives. We must show Amazon that there is popular and widespread resistance everywhere they threaten.
Let’s take the initiative, let’s stop Amazon before it’s too late! There’s no time but now!
Share the results of your campaign in whatever way you see fit. You can email us anonymously at [email protected]