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Aug 13, 18

Atlanta, GA: Antifascists Expose White Nationalist Organizing Hub and “Alt-Right” Gentrifiers

Action report from Atlanta Antifascists, who alerted a neighborhood in their town about ongoing fascist organizing, which they have also researched here.

On the night of August 12, 2018 – one year since a white supremacist murdered Heather Heyer at the bloody “Unite the Right” racist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia – anti-fascists placed dozens of posters in the Peachtree Hills neighborhood of Buckhead in Atlanta, Georgia.

Anti-racist poster in Peachtree Hills, Buckhead, Atlanta

The posters warned of a house on Ridgeland Way which is a hub for white nationalist organizing both locally and nationally. The house is owned by Sam Dickson, a lawyer who has been active for decades in the white power movement. Dickson is linked to a plethora of racist and far-Right organizations, such as the Council of Conservative Citizens, the Charles Martel Society, and the Holocaust-denying Barnes Review. As a lawyer, Dickson represented Klansmen, but he made his fortune on the Atlanta property market, where he has been accused of “bullying” tactics to gain title.

Also linked to the Ridgeland Way house is Evan Anderson (AKA Evan Thomas Kuettner), a key member of the racist organization Identity Evropa. Evan Anderson booked the park in Charlottesville, Virginia for the May 2017 racist rally which was a direct precursor to “Unite the Right.” (Both Dickson and Anderson also attended UTR.) Anderson assists Dickson with his Atlanta real estate investments; Anderson also has his own investments on the Atlanta property market.

The poster also warns of two others linked to the property – Shawn Young and John Weatherman – who both have ties to organized racism as well as to Dickson’s real estate investments.
Poster about 121 Ridgeland Way NE – click to download.
In addition to the posters placed in Peachtree Hills and the article, on Friday two hundred informational flyers were mailed to Peachtree Hills addresses, warning neighbors that key white nationalist figures were organizing from their area.
Flyer about 121 Ridgeland Way – click to download.

A second mailing of two hundred flyers was sent to residents in the Lakewood Heights area of Atlanta – a multiracial working-class area where both Sam Dickson and Evan Anderson own property. The flyers warn residents of Dickson and Anderson’s property in the area and their attempts to profit from the neighborhood as it gentrifies. The flyers urge residents to not cooperate with the white nationalist gentrifiers, and to stand by any neighbors who may be pressured by Dickson, Anderson, or their associates. (Activity by Dickson and other white nationalists on the Atlanta property market were discussed in a lengthy Atlanta Antifascists article from last year: “Right-Wing Gentrification Gangs”.)

Flyer sent to Lakewood Heights residents – click to download.

These outreach efforts are a small contribution to much broader fights against organized racism and the far-Right. Although the last year has seen real victories against the insurgent far-Right, there is still much work to be done – especially as white nationalists adapt and learn to operate in the post-Charlottesville environment.

Atlanta Antifascists send love and solidarity to the anti-racists and anti-fascists who were on the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia and Washington, DC this weekend.

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The Torch Network is a network of Militant antifascists across (but not limited to) the united states. We are born out of, and pay our respects to, the Anti-Racist Action Network. We are dedicated to confronting fascism and other element of oppression. We believe in direct action.

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