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Feb 7, 20

Cleaveland, OH: Banner Dropped Against Slumlord Frank Sinito & in Solidarity with Palm Beach Tenants

Report on banner dropped in Cleveland, Ohio in solidarity with tenants in Palm Beach, Florida fighting against slumlord Frank Sinito.

Frank Sinito and Millenia Housing have been profiting off the oppression of their poor, black, elderly, and disabled tenants for far too long. Frank and the cadre of real estate vultures he surrounds himself with have intentionally and brutally retaliated against tenants who have stood up for themselves in the face of black mold, airborne asbestos, rat infestations, sick children, and threats of eviction. Recently, some of these brave tenants were ruthlessly and unlawfully thrown out of their homes and held at gunpoint by the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office and had to watch as their belongings and community center resources were smashed by these jackbooted thugs under the direction of the coward Frank Sinito. We see you Frank. Unlike our friends in Florida, we have no demands you can meet to satisfy us.

Furthermore, we call upon the tenants of Millenia properties in the Greater Cleveland Area to recognize your power. If you live in conditions that you find disgusting, degrading, or unacceptable know that you have the ability to change this. Millenia cannot fight this war on every front, they cannot keep all of you oppressed, isolated, and helpless. The Palm Beach County Tenants Union are engaged in a struggle for the same things many of you probably wish to struggle for yourself, you can look to them to learn how to begin this fight. Know that you are not alone, know that we are your accomplices in this war, and know that Frank shudders at the thought of those he keeps under his fist throwing off their shackles and fighting back.


some anarchists in Cleveland

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