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Sep 25, 24

From the West Coast to the Midwest: Solidarity with Springfield!

Report on solidarity campaign in Northern California with people targeted by white supremacist attacks in Springfield, OH.

Trump is trying to instigate a racist pogrom, hoping to re-direct anger at inflation and rising costs away from landlords and bosses, channeling it instead against immigrants: folks displaced by corporate globalization, climate change, and imperialist wars.

We refuse to allow the fascists, both in the Republican party and those in the far-Right, to divide us in an effort to make themselves more powerful. Trump and his army of NPCs thrive off the spreading of mass fear. They want people to be too afraid to hit the streets and fight back against racist goons holding rallies and calling in bomb threats against schools and hospitals. Folks in Ohio, we are with you!

When Trump first came to power in 2017, many of our cities were flooded with Nazis, Alt-Right trolls, and Proud Boys. With the support of the local police, they held rallies in parks, outside of abortion clinics and Pride events, and carried out violent attacks. But we also found the strength to come together, and in the hundreds and thousands, we beat them off the street.

In the hopes of turning the tables and breaking the spectacle of fear –  over the past week, in solidarity with Haitian people being targeted in Springfield, OH, hundreds of stickers reading, “The Enemy Arrives by Limo, Not by Caravan,” and “Immigrant welcome, racists GTFO!,” were placed up in cities across Northern California, including San Francisco, Berkeley, Oakland, Sacramento, Davis, Modesto, Chico, and Grass Valley.

In Chico and Berkeley, CA, banners were also dropped, baring a message of solidarity with those targeted by white supremacists. In Berkeley, the banner read: “Queer Solidarity with Immigrants,” making the direct connection between ongoing far-Right attacks against queer and trans people and refugees and immigrants. Bash back!

In several cities, people also tore down and covered up neo-Nazi stickers and graffiti. The fascists are hoping to use this moment to recruit while also encouraging more violence against people of color and anyone who stands up against white supremacy. No wonder elites see them as a useful tool for spreading fear and suppressing antifascist opposition.

Both ruling parties have backed free-trade agreements like NAFTA, which attacked workers and benefited corporations. As jobs went to cheaper markets, neoliberalism forced those outside the US to choose between migration and living in the shadows as part of a growing underclass, while borders continue to militarize, ICE prisons explode, and wages stagnate. Far from being a friend to even white workers, the fascists are simply another arm of the ruling class, helping to push a reactionary ideology in the service of the rich, while threatening everyone who stands up to them with violence.

Right now, Democrats are celebrating as police gear up to carry out sweeps and regents at the University of California push to buy military weapons to put down anti-war protests in solidarity with Palestine. Meanwhile in Grass Valley, local Republicans are holding a fundraiser featuring white supremacist grifter Laura Loomer. We truly are in a three way fight and the need to build fighting autonomous movements is greater than ever.

Solidarity is our greatest weapon against our common enemies: both those in power and their minions waving swastika flags.

Fuck Mr. Burns, fuck Trump and JD Vance, and fuck Elon. #SpringfieldStrong!

From the west coast to the Midwest, an injury to one is an injury to all!

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