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Sep 12, 17

Help Sustain and Build IGD

“IGD is tirelessly working to ask questions, provide insight, provoke dialog, and platform resistance. People have noticed. Last month, IGD had over two million unique visitors reading stories shared on our site.”

To each and every one of you, thank you. Both for all your work and commitment to the struggle for liberation, and also for sticking by us these last two years. These days the hits are coming hard and often. In just the past few weeks we’ve seen Trump repeal DACA and pardon Arpaio, devastating unnatural disasters wrought by climate change, the FBI and Homeland Security calling antifa terrorists, an expansion of the war on Afghanistan, saber-rattling with North Korea, and Congress returning to have another go at destroying healthcare and cutting taxes for the rich. All of this in a context of ongoing threats posed by white supremacists and the State that protects them. America.

It’s Going Down is tirelessly working to ask questions, provide insight, provoke dialog, and platform resistance. People have noticed. Last month, IGD had over two million unique visitors reading stories shared on our site, while on Twitter we received over 12 million impressions. Our work has been mentioned, shared, stolen, demonized, and commended by a wide range of journalists, publications, pundits, and organizations in the wake of Charlottesville. Most notably, the long-running racial justice website Colorlines placed our piece about the threat posed by the neo-Nazi ‘Unite the Right‘ rally on the top of their list of must-read articles about the event and Chauncey DeVega of Salon invited one of us on his podcast.

But our greatest compliment came when lead Unite the Right organizer Jason Kessler, in a podcast with imprisoned Chris “Crying Nazi” Cantwell, squarely laid the blame on IGD for the Alt-Right’s massive defeat. While of course we can’t take the credit, we do appreciate Kessler thinking of us.

As a project, we are completely volunteer run and we sustain ourselves off monetary donations; and the demand now for IGD has never been greater. With recent events we’ve received a swarm of reports, analysis, and questions. It certainly has had us working double time. But as our profile has grown, so have the attacks against us. Our team of volunteer sysadmins has been successfully mitigating massive Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, phishing attempts, and a whole host of other efforts to disrupt our service. Our commitment to privacy and resiliency has never been stronger. Towards this end, we’ve also launched a Tor Hidden Service (darkweb) version of our website at IGDNEWSdjfmg7kxu.onion

In the last two months neo-Nazis and Alt-Right trolls have managed to kick us off of both Patreon and PayPal. This has cut off your ability to provide critical funds to IGD and halted our attempt at compensating a wide range of diverse writers, but as you can see, it has not slowed down or stopped in the slightest our activity. So, if you had previously set up a recurring donation with either Patreon or PayPal, we no longer have access to those platforms and your subscription was cancelled. We are however still very much committed to our mission: to provide a resilient platform to publicize and promote revolutionary theory and action.

This is why we are writing to our supporters today to ask your help. We hope to raise $5,000 by the end of next month. This money will allow us to continue to work on the site and keep pumping out hard-hitting analysis, original research, unique columns, and fiery podcasts. If we make our goal, we will also move forward with printing a new t-shirt design. We know that with your support we can do it. If you can give big, please do. If not, every little bit helps. If you signed up in the past to do a monthly donation, please do so again.

We know that in times like this it often feels as if we are passing around the same $20, but we feel that IGD has become an integral component of a vast array of social movements. As we often have said, this project is not about ourselves as individuals, but about us as a movement. Currently, there are four ways to support IGD:

In solidarity,
It’s Going Down

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It’s Going Down is a digital community center from anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements. Our mission is to provide a resilient platform to publicize and promote revolutionary theory and action.

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