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Sep 6, 16

IGD Needs Your Help to Grow and Expand

Originally posted to It’s Going Down

IGD is now over a year old.

In that time, we have managed to increase the reach of our project by about 4X over, publish a magazine, began to create in-depth podcasts, extend our coverage in Canada and Mexico, increase our translations, continue to publish a wide range of columns and original material, and expand our audience outside of established radical, anarchist, and activist circles.

Almost two years ago, we set out to bring a wide variety of very different people together and create a usable and simple platform for the distribution of information about how people were organizing, fighting, and thinking in the current terrain. We aren’t anywhere near where we want to be, but we are proud of the work we have put in along the way and happy for the friends and comrades that we have made in the process.

Through our original content, interviews, analysis, and also commitment to re-posting and signal boosting other revolutionary media, we hope that we have helped create more breathing room for social movements and struggles while at the same time, attacking the dominate media. So far, we’ve helped expose Neo-Nazis and cops, tell the stories of countless black blocs, riots, occupations, and strikes, and also help build support and capacity for everything from anti-fascist mobilizations, prison strikes, labor organizing and housing struggles, to front-line ecological battles.

We’ve also helped to blur the secretarian lines of division that often exist within the revolutionary movement while at the same time showcasing its intense diversity. But overall, we hope that our work has helped to popularize autonomous anti-capitalist ideas to a wider audience, a new generation of revolutionaries, and inspire and connect anyone who feels that they are alone as they read these words.

Why We Need Your Support

Let’s face it, people asking for money is annoying. From the Greenpeace campaigner with the clipboard, to the call for funds on local public radio, to the pleas of all the projects that constantly are in need of support to continue to sustain themselves, we are all bombarded with requests for help from a variety of sources. At the same time, online fundraising, or ‘crowd-funding’ has become a big-business. It’s hard to even get donations if one isn’t prepared to showcase a video, create slick web design, and promise to ship out various “rewards” in return.

When we first started IGD, we didn’t want any of this. We didn’t want to fundraise or ask for money. We envisioned more people getting involved in the work, not less. But overall, this is exactly what has happened. As time has gone on, the work has fallen into fewer and fewer hands, as demand for the site has gone up more and more.

In short, the biggest cost of operating IGD is simply the time it takes to keep this project alive and running to the degree that the people that engage with the site demand of it. Towards this end, we’d like IGD to begin to become a sustainable project. For us, this means raising a set amount of money every month in order to focus on it in greater detail and also produce offline publications, IGD gear, and multimedia.

What We Want From You

We are asking our readers to sign up to make a monthly donation on bitcoin, paypal, or through using their debit/credit card. Very simply, you can sign up every month to make a monthly donation to IGD and then never have to do so again. Just simply click on the link here, then click “Make This Recurring” and you’re done. If you are confused, check out this impressive diagram. Even a seemingly small donation of $5-20 every month would vastly help us.

When IGD began, we on average had about 250-300 original people viewing the website everyday, with the total clicks much higher. Hitting 300 at that time seemed like a big deal. Nowadays, we hit about 1,200 on average. That means every single day, over 1,000 different people log onto our website, no matter what to check to see what is going down. While we realize that this is still small potatoes when compared to the amount that check out many other websites across the web, for us, it means that we are still growing.

And, if each of those people gave us just $1 every month, we’d never have to ask for money – again.


Where We Want to Go

IGD has several projects that it wants to bring into the world, and soon. This includes:

  • A new issue of IGD magazine, hopefully to be printed after the September 9th National Prison Strike which documents anarchist resistance since our last issue this winter and discusses how our movement can move forward.
  • Creating IGD hats and shirts to help promote the website and give your werid-ass decked out in crappy basketball shorts and tall-t’s something to wear that’s semi-legit.
  • Throwing our reporters and correspondents into the action, from Mexico to North Dakota.
  • Allowing groups to table across the country with IGD stuff at bookfairs, events, demonstrations, and conferences. We don’t need to be there, but we do need to mail your ass some crap.

Please Help Us Get There

We want IGD to be a sustaining project. If you can throw in, please do. If you can do a lot or more than the average, we commend you as well. We greatly thank everyone that has already donated so far. We hope that everyone can do their part so that we can continue to maintain and support a platform that is used by so many.

Contact Us: info [at] itsgoingdown [dot] org

Support our work! Please donate:


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It’s Going Down is a digital community center from anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements. Our mission is to provide a resilient platform to publicize and promote revolutionary theory and action.

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