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Mar 22, 24

Mexico: Attacked for being a Lesbian, Imprisoned for Self-Defense

A call for solidarity and mutual aid for Chío in the State of Mexico.

Chío has spent the last 11 months in prison for defending herself against a lesbophobic attack.

From Tlalnepantla, State of Mexico, Chío is a young woman who enjoys playing soccer and spending afternoons with her family, friends and loved ones.

On the afternoon of April 2, 2023, Chío was out with her then-girlfriend for a walk like any other day in Nicolás Romero, State of Mexico, when a group of men approached her to insult her and start beating her and her partner for no reason. It was an obvious lesbophobic attack.

While defending herself from what was already a lynching attempt involving more than 20 people, she tried to escape in a car but was physically held back by blows and insulted for being a lesbian.

When the police intervened to “rescue” her from the possible lynching, Chío ended up being the one who was accused. She was presented before the Public Prosecutor’s Office to be prosecuted for attempted homicide against her aggressors. Of course, the lesbophobic attack, the attempted femicide and lynching to which she was subjected were omitted from the prosecutor’s case against her.

After her legal defense managed to reclassify the crime for which she was imprisoned from attempted homicide – against 7 minors and 1 adult – to bodily harm, she has been ordered to pay damages in the amount of 450,000 pesos.

That is why we call for solidarity with Chío’s cause so that she can return to the streets and enjoy what she loves. Her family is now bankrupt but has already raised two thirds of the amount. However, we still need to raise the funds necessary to achieve her freedom. Funds can be sent via PayPal to @CatherineCVS.

Atacada por lesbiana, presa por defenderse

Chío lleva 11 meses en la cárcel por defenderse de un ataque lesbófobo.

Originaria de Tlalnepantla, Estado de México, Chío es una joven que goza de jugar fútbol y pasar tardes con su familia, amistades y seres amados en México, lugar donde vive.

La tarde del 2 de abril de 2023, Chío salió con su entonces novia a pasear como cualquier otro día en Nicolás Romero, Estado de México, cuando un grupo de hombres se le acercó para insultarla y comenzar a golpearla a ella y su pareja bajo ningún motivo. Se trataba de un evidente ataque lesbófobo.

Tratando de defenderse de lo que era ya un intento de linchamiento que involucraba a más de 20 personas, procuró escapar en un auto sin lograrlo, siendo retenida a base de golpes e insultos por ser lesbiana.

Cuando interfiere la policía para “rescatarla” del posible linchamiento, Chío termina en el lugar de las acusadas y es presentada ante el Ministerio Público para ser procesada por intento de homicidio contra sus agresores. Omitiendo, por supuesto, el ataque lesbófobo, el intento de feminicidio y linchamiento al que fue sometida.

Después de que su defensa legal lograra reclasificar el delito por el que llegó a prisión de intento de homicidio -contra 7 menores y 1 adulto- a lesiones, se le pide reparar el daño con el monto de 450 mil pesos.

Es por eso que llamamos a solidarizarnos con la causa de Chío para que pise las calles y vuelva a disfrutar de lo que a ella le gusta. Su familia en quiebra ha juntado ya dos terceras partes del monto, pero sigue siendo necesario sumar más para lograr su libertad. Puedes enviar un donativo a través de PayPal a @CatherineCVS.

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

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