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Jan 8, 18

Mexico: Letters from Indigenous Prisoners in Chiapas

Translator’s Note: These letters were written by indigenous prisoners in the state of Chiapas who aren’t fluent in Spanish.  In the translation, we’ve done our best to maintain the character of the original letter, while editing some sections for more clarity.

Letter From Miguel and Pablo, Prisoners in CERESO No. 5, Chiapas

December 21st, 2017, CERESO No. 5, San Cristóbal de las Casas Chiapas

To all the compañerxs of the Sixth of Mexico and the World

With this note, we send many greetings and a tight hug, from here in CERESO No. 5. We are two compañeros, adherents of the Sixth. The bad government has us here unjustly. It has fabricated our crimes. They have accused us of kidnapping but we did not commit that crime. The public prosecutor fabricated this crime against us because we are Indigenous and because we don’t speak Spanish very well. For that, we are here suffering and we have been here for nearly five years. Our family is also suffering because of our absence. The public defender told us that at the end of January, we will see how the sentencing goes. If god wants us to leave, then good, we will see the good. For that, we want you to know of our case. We want the judge to do what is possible to free us because there is no evidence against us at all. Furthermore, there was our compa Roberto Paciencia Cruz, who was already released around a year ago. Thus, it is not just that we haven’t been freed because we have the same problem he had. Well, many thanks for your attention compañerxs.


Miguel Gómez Velasco y Pablo Gómez Gómez


Letter from Imprisoned Compañeros German and Abram From “El Amate”, Chiapas

December 24th, 2017

Our account of how we spent January 17th, 2011.  The judicial authorities detained us without us knowing why.  We asked them why they detained us, but we still don’t know why.  They were to take us to the municipal ministry but we never arrived there.  Rather, we were detained for two hours in the headquarters of the prosecutor’s office before we asked the public prosecutor why they detained us.  He didn’t tell us.  They began to torture us with water, electricity and punches, when they told us that we were accused of a crime.  The public prosecutor wanted to act as translator but we never had one.  After three days, they took us to a detention facility.  We were there 28 days without leaving.  There they fabricated the entire crime.  When we entered the prison of El Amate, they told us that we were accused of homicide.  Three days later a notice arrived that it was four homicides.  Like that, time passed with the presentation of testimonies and evidence.  The prosecutor had nothing.  The judge declared in favor of us.  He said he didn’t know why they detained us and the judge hadn’t seen any evidence other than from a minor whose testimony wasn’t valid.  However, they gave us 25 years in prison.  It’s already 2017.  That is all compañeros and compañeras.


Germán López Montejo and Abram López Montejo
La Voz Verdadera del Amate


From CERSS No. 5, Alejandro Diaz Sántiz Remembers the Founding of “La Voz del Amate”

To the public opinion
To the state, national and international media
To the alternative media
To the independent organizations
To the defenders of human rights
To the National Indigenous Congress and the EZLN

January 5th, 2018

Today, January 5th, marks the anniversary of the foundation of the organization “La Voz del Amate”.  This is thanks to those that founded the organization providing an example of how to struggle against injustice from inside the prisons.

The organization, Solidarios de la Voz del Amate, was also formed and continues in struggle demanding true justice.  Today, January 5th, I will start a fast from 6 to 6 that will last two days.  I will do this together with other compañeros, to ask God to help us, for wisdom, humility, courage and strength.  With that, we will be able to continue reclaiming true justice and our freedom that they have taken from us for many years.  I also want to remind the governor Manuel Velasco Coello of the promise he made me on July 3rd, 2013, where he promised to see my case, search for the necessary means and connect with the authorities of Veracruz to obtain my freedom.  Up until now, he has not fulfilled anything.  For that, I again demand that he fulfill his promise.  On the other hand, I thank all of the independent organizations and media that were paying attention when I was translated to a federal center on September 10th, 2015.  I know that many of you were worried about me, wanting to visit me but weren’t able to due to the requirements of the new center.  Now, I am here again and we will continue struggling.

Together we can win real justice!


Alejandro Diaz Sántiz


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