Filed under: Action, Anarchist Movement, Police, Southern Mexico
Report on recent street clashes in response to continued police killings in Mexico.
On June 14th, in front of the Benito Juarez Autonomous University of Oaxaca, various anarchist groups protested against State violence, commemorating the protests of 2006 where various people were killed by the police. The protestors drew attention to the recent assassinations of youth in the state of Oaxaca, including 16-year-old Alexander and 20-year-old Diego E.L.P. They further recognized other activists assassinated in the region.
Alexander was assassinated on June 9th, when he left his house with three friends to buy a soda in the city of Vicente Camalote, located in the north of Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa, Oaxaca. The group of youth were attacked with bullets from a local police car.
Encapuchados de los llamados anarcopunk agreden a la prensa en la avenida Universidad de la ciudad de Oaxaca y vandalizan negocios esta tarde.— NSS Oaxaca (@nssoaxaca) June 14, 2020
The anarchist contingent blocked University Avenue in both directions with burning barricades, painting graffiti on the walls with slogans like, “the police rape and kill” and “we are your worst nightmare,” along with anarchist symbols. Convenience stores were attacked and looted, and the products were distributed in the streets. Some bank branches, signs and other property were also attacked. The press was violently repelled.
These events add to a series of confrontational protests against police in different parts of the country in places like Guadalajara, Mexico City, Xalapa and San Luis Potosí, where anarchist groups and other protestors have gathered to manifest a militant anarchist response in the streets.
Bloqueada la Avenida Universidad a la altura de rectoría de la @UABJO en la capital de Oaxaca; se están concentrando jóvenes vestidos de negro para protesta.#Oaxaca #Noticias #Ciudad #Capital #Protesta
— Periodismo Píxel (@pixelperiodismo) June 14, 2020
Long live riot and expropriation!
Love live vandalism!
For the expansion of attack, revolt and anarchist affinity groups!
For informal coordination!
Let’s stay vigilant and disobedient!