Apr 15, 21

Building a Midwest Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement

Strategic proposal for concrete action around the creation of distros as a hub for autonomous projects from the so-called Midwest. Originally posted... Read Full Article

Jul 4, 22

Remembering Dan and Spit: The Anniversary of Fallen Anti-Fascists

Text remembering two members of Anti-Racist Action (ARA) who were murdered in so-called Las Vegas by neo-Nazis. Originally posted to Abolition Media.... Read Full Article

Jul 2, 22

In Contempt #18: June 11th; Political Prisoner and Uprising Defendant Updates; Prison Mail Digitalization

Welcome to In Contempt #18. In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings,... Read Full Article

Apr 10, 21

As Online ‘Whites Lives Matter’ Forums Collapse, Cities Across the US Vow Not to Give up the Streets to the Fascists

Over the past several weeks, antifascists have worked to expose plans being made by a collection of neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and Proud... Read Full Article