Nov 1, 20

People Get Ready: Popular Power in the Coming Crisis

Social movements must mobilize to not only defeat a possible Trump coup, but also showcase a vibrant alternative to neoliberalism. by: Arthur... Read Full Article

Mar 22, 22

Asheville Mutual Aid Volunteers Face Felony Charges for Providing Support to Houseless During Winter

Report on ongoing repression of mutual aid organizers in so-called Asheville, North Carolina. Originally posted to the Asheville Free Press. For ongoing... Read Full Article

Mar 21, 22

Canadian Tire Fire #32: People Hit the Streets on the International Day Against Police Brutality, Tenants Fight Renovictions, Updates on Struggle Against Coastal GasLink

photo: @MtlProtest This week we provide a roundup of several anti-police demos and events that took place on March 15th, the International... Read Full Article

Oct 29, 20

This Week in Fascism #80: Militias Call for Voter Intimidation and Violence; Unions for General Strike

Welcome fellow antifascists! We have a mammoth sized column for you today! First up, we look at far-Right militias threatening to harass... Read Full Article