Oct 21, 23

Netanyahu, the Global far-Right, and Building Solidarity with Palestine: In Conversation with Scott Campbell

On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we host a discussion with IGD contributor Scott Campbell, as we cover the... Read Full Article

Mar 20, 24

Canadian Tire Fire #69: Direct Action Against NorthVolt, Solidarity with Palestine Roundup, and Renewed Forestry Blockades in Atikamekw Territory

photo cover: @[email protected] via Mastodon In this month’s column, we’ve got updates on a wide range of struggles. First, some headlines. Mining... Read Full Article

Mar 15, 24

The Enemy Arrives by Limo, Not by Caravan: Building a Politics of Solidarity Across Borders

Decades of brutal US imperial intervention and corporate globalization have created the conditions that are forcing thousands to migrant and seek refuge... Read Full Article

Oct 15, 23

“Means and Ends”: Zoe Baker on Historical Anarchist Tensions, Practice, and Action

On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we again speak with anarchist historian, YouTuber, and libertarian socialist philosopher Zoe Baker... Read Full Article