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Jun 11, 23

Statement from Miguel Peralta for June 11th, 2023

Statement from ex-political prisoner and currently persecuted anarchist Miguel Peralta in solidarity with Marius Mason and all long-term anarchist prisoners.  

Don’t give up compas, resist. We are here on the outside thinking about you. We are thinking of all of you. We know how hard it is to be isolated, restricted, watched. We understand that you are fed up with the daily roll call, the ridiculous uniform, the sound of the locks, the food, the prison guards.

I want you to know that we feel the same rage for this bullshit system that separates us.

Sometimes there might not be a smile, but we must not allow them to take away our happiness. I think we are condemned the moment we set foot in prison. They separate us from our loved ones, from the natural world, from our compas, from the struggle, from the moon. Yet there is no other option than to continue resisting to tear down the walls that keep us apart.

The war that you are facing is exhausting, but only you know what that entails. You know it perfectly well. Surely you have your strategies to be free in your daily routine. Don’t stop dreaming, don’t get discouraged. I hope that these words cause a crack in those prison walls so that we can listen to and read each other’s words and thoughts.

I want you to know that you are not alone. Here we are waiting for you. I send you all a warm embrace.

Freedom and anarchy!

Burn down the prison walls!

Miguel Peralta

June 11, 2023

Escrito de Miguel Peralta por el Día Internacional de Solidaridad con Marius Mason y todxs lxs presxs anarquistas de larga condena

No te rindas compa, resiste, nosotrxs acá afuera te pensamos – les pensamos- sabemos lo duro que es estar aisladxs, limitadxs, vigiladxs, que estás hartx del pase de lista, del nefasto uniforme, del sonido de los candados, de la comida, de lxs carcelerxs.

Quiero que sepas que de igual manera sentimos la misma rabia por ese maldito sistema de mierda que nos separa.

Pienso que en ocasiones la sonrisa está ausente, pero no debemos permitir que nos arrebaten la felicidad, creo que desde que pisamos por primera vez la prisión estamos condenadxs, porqué nos separan de nuestrxs seres queridxs, de la naturaleza, de los compas, de la lucha, de la luna, pero que no hay otra opción mas que seguir resistiendo para derrumbar esos muros que nos alejan.

La guerra que enfrentas es muy desgastante pero ese frente solo tú lo conoces y a la perfección. Seguramente tienes tus estrategias para ser libre en tu día a día, no dejes de soñar, no te desanimes, espero que estas palabras hagan una grieta en esos muros y que sea el conducto para poder escucharnxs-leernos, quiero que sepas que no estás solx, acá te esperamos, te envio un fuerte abrazo!

Libertad y Anarquía!!

Quememos los muros de las prisiones!

Miguel Peralta

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