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Jun 13, 17

Syracuse, NY: Report Back from the ‘March Against Sharia’

On June 10th, in conjunction with similar rallies and marches in cities throughout the US, the ‘March Against Sharia’ came to Syracuse, New York. Sponsored by ACT for America, a noted anti-Muslim group, we also learned that the rally had also gotten early support from a Syracuse outfit of Proud Boys.

Given Syracuse’s location in the center of the state, the large refugee populations of several upstate cities, and that this was a nationwide effort, a broad coalition of groups began putting the pieces together for wider opposition to descend on Syracuse to challenge the platform. As a result, the New York Antifa Alliance emerged, pulling in antifa factions, anarchists and wobblies from every region and major city throughout upstate New York.

Planned for 10 AM, the party started a bit earlier. Planning to stage ourselves before ACT for America’s crusaders, we marched to the location where the rally was to be held. As we passed police cruisers monitoring our bloc’d up mass, and patrons of yoga in the park who would end up having an excellent view of the action, we noticed that a small contingent of anti-Muslim rally goers, about two dozen, were already being opposed by a similarly sized group of antifa. We announced ourselves as we marched to our spot.


As our mass joined our comrades, it became instantly clear that we outnumbered the other side by at least three to one. While the numbers did swell and recede on both sides, the best estimate is that about 60 supporters, at peak, showed up to protest Sharia and, through their screams and chants, bash Muslims, immigrants, the poor, and “fags” in general. Meanwhile, the assembled coalition of antifa easily approached 120 at its own peak and was later joined by a small but spirited contingent of Syracuse ISO.

A liberal demonstration, allegedly similar in size to the antifa crowd, was planned at the Islamic Society of Central New York at another location in downtown Syracuse. Commenting on that choice of tactics, the leader of the ISO contingent pointed out that if the liberals had shown up where we were, the combined numbers alone would have shut down the March Against Sharia.

Those there in support of ACT for America’s anti-Muslim agenda were mostly Trump supporters, carrying US flags and signs about their love for the US Constitution, and attempting to mock those of us with masks, all the while hiding behind the police (who were videotaping our numbers). We heard in the lead up to the weekend that the Proud Boys pulled out, but we were treated to a lone Alt-Knight who stood motionless, holding his Gadsden flag and V shield with committed stoicism – which was smart on his behalf, lest he be subjected to the ol’ Harrisburg How Do You Do.

Another in the crowd withdrew himself from 4chan boards to come join the real world and flash his “OK” symbol because we’re supposed to care about that, while a noted neo-Nazi from Western NY was identified by himself. Things got a bit interesting when another man, belting about his Southern heritage, threw up a Roman salute amid other gestures like beating his fist against his chest and face. When called out by the roaring crowd, his demeanor changed. While he continued to yell, he avoided any further fascist hand gestures.

While their efforts were permitted, a militia did show up to assist with security. The SPD presence was light and the only action they saw was in re-directing two women who tried to cross the street and engage a person they suspected of being illegal. After about an hour, the rally condensed away from the sidewalk in order to deliver speeches on their purpose and rant about Islam. We chose to round the corner and re-group closer to them, effectively drowning them out and luring them more into arguing with us than actually demonstrating what their original intent was.

The chants from our side roared through the early afternoon. Despite being told that we couldn’t use noisemakers to drown the other side out, sufficient use was made of our megaphones, noisemakers and a group of much appreciated individuals who showed up with hand drums. In a single instance, a group of three young men did try to enter our ranks, one wearing a US flag as a cape, but were stopped and immediately rebuked by about 10 of us.

With plans to go until 2 PM, the rally began to die a bit before 1 with the last of the ACT for America crowd slinking off 10-15 minutes later as we saluted them with our best rendition of a classic Steam song. The bigots were shut down. The fascists lightly sprinkled in their midst were shown what awaits them in upstate communities. Syracuse was defended and we went home, the first action of the New York Antifa Alliance.

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