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Nov 11, 19

This Week in Fascism #35: Groypers Come Home to Roost

Welcome fellow antifascists! This week, we look at the massive “Iron March” data dump, bring you news of the “Groypers,” or followers of the white nationalist Nick Fuentes, who recently shut down a Turning Point USA event featuring Donald Trump, Jr, present updates on doxxes and deplatforms, and bring you news of a mobilization against the Proud Boys in New York this Saturday.

Let’s dive in!


Iron March Data Leaked

Iron March, the neo-Nazi message board where the Atomwaffen Division, Vanguard America, and Patriot Front were all born, had its entire database leaked this week.

The data – an SQL file containing the database and a number of spreadsheet files generated from the data therein – was first uploaded to the Internet Archive on Wednesday by a user named “antifa-data.” The files have since been removed from the Internet Archive, but are available via a torrent file, on either Google Drive or magnet link. The full ZIP file is also available via RiseUp, a anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist collective focused on technology access and security for activists.

The files contain not only forum posts, but also private messages between users. They also contain the usernames, emails, and IP addresses of the forum’s over 1,200 members. Antifascists quickly set to work making the data more accessible.

OSINT Support quickly matched the list of Iron March user emails to Facebook accounts also using those emails, and posted a Pastebin of the results, matching 223 email addresses to Facebook users.

The Jewish Worker published a searchable database of the data, saving other activists the work of managing their own MySQL databases. They also imported some of the lists other users had made, matching usernames and emails with real names. The leak has already resulted in the doxxing of several neo-Nazis, including Julian Dahlman, who claims to currently serve as a member of the Military Police, and Charles Matthew Holiday, the Alabama leader of Atomwaffen.

Alt-Right Groypers Shut Down Donald Trump Jr. Book Release About How the Left “Hates Free Speech”

In a bizarre turn, the fascist far-Right is now going after the conservative far-Right for not being strong enough in their “demographic” policies, being pro-Israel, and for failing to deliver on Trump’s campaign promises.

On Sunday at a Turning Point USA event in Los Angeles for the launch of Donald Trump Jr.’s new “anti-antifa” book TRIGGERED, self-identified “Groypers” shut down a scheduled 2-½ hour event within twenty minutes, after event hosts announced that there would be no Question and Answer session. TPUSA’s Charlie Kirk and Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, were also on stage for the event.

This was after Groypers had earlier in the week used TPUSA event’s Q&A sessions to spread anti-Semetic and homophobic talking points, and after Groyper/America First leader Nick Fuentes had openly called for a repeat in LA. While on the surface it appears that the far-Right is eating its own here, Groypers are overt fascists and their stated intentions were to fast forward this administration’s genocidal (“demographic”) policies, and Fuentes has tweeted that he still support Trump in 2020.


Josh Neil Dietz, New York City, Exposed as White Nationalist

Josh Neil Dietz, an NYC-based hypnotherapist and sometime college adjunct, was revealed to be Alt-Right troll “Josh Neal.” Dietz is known for appearing on the McSpencer Group show, alongside Richard Spencer, and as the host of his own show, No Apologies. Since being outed by IGD, numerous articles have been written in Newsweek, Gothamist, and Right Wing Watch and Dietz has shut down and deleted much of his social media and YouTube videos.

Court Documents Reveal Hammerskins Members

Atlanta Antifascists released a trove of police documents this week, naming members of the Hammerskins, a racist skinhead gang, and C38, their supporters group, as the perpetrators behind a 2017 attack on interracial couple at a Dahlonega, Georgia restaurant.

Named are Chester Doles of Dahlonega, a KKK member who recently organized a pro-Trump rally; Shawn Christopher Dunson and Jason Chance Reeves of Georgia, both full-patch members of the Hammerskins Nation; and Peter Mitchell Gaughenbaugh of Florida, a Hammerskin and convicted sex offender for possession of child pornography.

Also present at the 2017 attack was Doles’ son, Zane Shawn Doles, who as of last year, worked for AllGood Pest Solutions, an extermination company in the Atlanta area.

You can contact AllGood via their Facebook page, or by tweeting at @AllGoodService.

Alexander Mackey, White Nationalist and Former Traditionalist Worker Party Member

The Syndicate Project released the first dox in #fashbase, a new series profiling white nationalists.

Alexander Mackey claims to have been radicalized by Sargon of Akkad, a YouTuber who rose to prominence with anti-feminist YouTube videos during GamerGate.

He was also a member of the now-defunct neo-Nazi Traditionalist Worker Party.

Julian Dahlman, Shreveport, Louisiana, Iron March Forum Member

Stop Hate NOLA identified Iron March user “Deathotto6” as Julian Dahlman of Louisiana.

Dahlman served as the Travel Coordinator for the 2019 gubernatorial campaign of Rep. Ralph Abraham (R-LA), and his Facebook profile lists him as a member of the Military Police.

Joseph Evans, Nuclear Safety Engineer in Richland, Washington, Identified as “OvenEngineer” in Iron March Forums

Joseph Evans was identified via his email as “OvenEngineer” on the Iron March forums this week.

Evans’ LinkedIn lists his occupation as a Nuclear Safety Engineer at the CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Company in Richland, Washington.

The neo-Nazi forum was the online home of the Atomwaffen Division, a group of accelerationists who had planned to sabotage a nuclear facility in Florida in the hopes that it would start a race war.

Antifascists Reveal American Guard Members in Portland on August 17th

Long Beach Antifa, in coordination with Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists and Corvallis Antifa, have identified the ten members of the American Guard who traveled to Portland, Oregon, for an August 17, 2019, Proud Boys rally hosted by Joe Biggs.

They are Carl Lackey, Mark Quon, Chris and Valerie Moody, Michael Romero, Brien James, Drew Smith, Joshua Long, Kristopher Wyrick, and Dean Paterno.


Stefan Molyneux Kicked Off PayPal

Following a pressure campaign from activists, payment processor PayPal confirmed this week that they were suspending Alt-Right blowhard Stefan Molyneux.

Molyneux began his career as a libertarian philosopher before drifting into the Alt-Right via Men’s Rights Activism. He began openly discussing race and IQ in 2015, and in 2016, referred to the Holocaust as an “overreaction” to “Jewish-led Communism.”

American Identity Movement Leader Kicked Off SoundCloud

American Identity Movement leader Patrick Casey was booted from SoundCloud this week. Casey had used the platform to spread his white nationalist views in the form of a podcast.

New 8chan Site Locked by Domain Registrar

8chan founder Fredrick Brennan provided an update on 8chan this week, stating that the return of 8chan would not be imminent, as the domain provider, Tucows, had placed the site in an indefinite clientHold.

8chan was launched by Brennan in 2013 and quickly became a hub for the misogynistic GamerGate movement to plan attacks on feminists and journalists. Brennan defended the harassment campaign at the time, but resigned from 8chan in 2016 and cut his ties completely in 2018. He has spoken out against the imageboard following the Christchurch Mosque shooting, in which a gunman posted a manifesto to 8chan before murdering 51 people and wounding another 49.

In August 2019, before a gunman entered an El Paso, Texas, Walmart to kill 22 people and wound 24 others, he posted his anti-Latinx manifesto to 8chan, stating that he specifically chose this Walmart because of its Latinx customer base.

Nick Fuentes Banned from iTunes, Booted from Reddit

White Nationalist Nick Fuentes was banned from iTunes this week, and a Reddit group devoted to him was deleted.

Call to Action

The Proud Boys are hosting a rally outside Trump Tower on Saturday, November 16th, beginning at 1:00 p.m., in support of Max Hare and John Kinsman, recently convicted of attacking antifascists in November 2018. Their thinking seems to be to push Trump to grant pardons for the two individuals. Ironically, Trump has just moved from New York to Florida.

Local activists are organizing a mass mobilization to counter the rally. The meetup point is Pulitzer Fountain, Grand Army Plaza, at 59th Street and 5th Avenue, Manhattan, just two blocks north of Trump Tower, at 12:00 p.m. More information is available via the Facebook event here.

photo: Flickr

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A weekly roundup of the latest and greatest happenings in the anti-fascist world. Each column features a roundup of news, actions, doxxes and current calls to action.

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