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Apr 11, 24

Voices from the Land: Amplifier Films Chronicles the Nehirowisiw Fight for Ancestral Territories

Announcement from Amplifier Films about their recent videos covering ongoing blockades by Nehirowisiw land defenders in so-called Quebec.

Amplifier Films has recently launched English versions of their critical video reports on the ongoing blockades by the Nehirowisiw Land Defenders in Quebec, aiming to bring international attention to these significant Indigenous and environmental issues. The first video, capturing a tense yet crucial confrontation near Wemotaci on March 18th, and the second, detailing a day of action and determination by the Land Guardians of Nehirowisiw Aski, were initially released in French to engage a Quebec audience directly. Now, with their English counterparts, the outreach is expanded, inviting global support for the defenders’ cause against the clearcutting of Nitaskinan.

A new development has been the erection of another blockade in Opiticiwan on April 9, 2024. This action signifies the continuous effort of the Nehirowisiw people to safeguard their ancestral lands and protest against ongoing exploitation and environmental abuses. These blockades, part of a larger movement including actions in Manawan and across Nehirowisiw territory, underscore the community’s fight against deforestation, the disruption of wildlife habitats, and the erosion of their traditional ways of life.

Context of the Ongoing Blockades

The ongoing blockades by the Nehirowisiw (Atikamekw) community in Wemotaci, Quebec, are part of a broader effort to protect their ancestral territories from deforestation and logging activities that they say have gone beyond agreed boundaries and have not included meaningful consultation or respect for their traditional way of life. These blockades, part of actions across Nehirowisiw territory including Manawan, have been set up in response to logging operations that community members say disrupt wildlife habitats, affecting traditional activities and the environmental health of their land.

In one instance, a family in the Nehirowisiw community reported that a logging company ventured into a maple grove beyond the area that was agreed upon for logging, despite a standing agreement aimed at protecting the grove. This has led to members of the community, including those from Manawan, camping out and protesting to assert their rights and to demand that their voices be heard in the management of their territories​ (APTN News)​.

Additionally, Wemotaci officials served a legal notice to the Quebec Ministry of Forests, Fauna, and Parks in mid-February, accusing them of not consulting the community or including them in decision-making processes about logging on their territory. Chief Francois Neatshit of Wemotaci highlighted the negative impacts on wildlife habitat and traditional ways of life, signaling a broader concern about environmental degradation and loss of culture​ (APTN News)​.

A blockade was set up in May after conflict between land defenders and Nehirowisiw forestry employees, showing a direct action response to these concerns. The blockade was dismantled, but reports suggest that blockading actions might resume, especially with environmental factors like forest fires temporarily halting logging operations​ (PBI Canada)​.

The struggle also saw legal dimensions, with a Quebec Superior Court injunction against an Nehirowisiw blockade in Wemotaci, providing a 10-day window for the demonstrators to remove their blockade. This legal action underscores the tensions between the community’s efforts to protect their land and the governmental and corporate interests in forestry​ (APTN News)​.

It’s important to note that the blockades and protests are not just about stopping logging but are a part of a larger demand for respect, consultation, and co-management of the lands that are central to the Nehirowisiw way of life. Community leaders have expressed a willingness to negotiate and to be part of the decision-making processes that affect their lands, indicating a path forward that includes respect for Indigenous rights and environmental stewardship​ (Newswire)​.

About Amplifier Films

Amplifier Films is an initiative by Franklin López, the founder and former member of subMedia, aimed at amplifying underreported struggles for liberation. This new project seeks to bring crucial attention to the voices and battles of those fighting for environmental protection, Indigenous rights, and social justice around the globe.

You can follow Amplifier Films and support their mission on various platforms:

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