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Apr 3, 17

Buffalo, NY: Black Bloc Organized to Provide Security for Counter-Protesters at “Spirit of America” Rally

At a “Spirit of America” rally held at Niagara Square, what was effectively a city-sanctioned neo-Nazi rally with known white supremacists in attendance, Buffalo residents organized a black bloc to serve in protection of a coalition of anti-racist, queer, leftist, and anti-fascist counter-protesters. We countered their Trump signs, confederate flags, and SS tattoos with a queer dance party full of trans pride flags, rainbow and glitter fashion, fabulous makeup, DIY signage, and black masked attire.

The police protected the white supremacists with vigilance. Our show of force demanded the attention of all parties present. The pigs confronted us immediately upon our arrival and quietly surrounded us as we established our intention to keep our community safe. This confrontation did not stop us from making our presence known, circling the square, and settling in to the welcome of our community. A child of a Trump supporter looked on in fascination before their parent threw a blanket over the face of this young, future anarchist in an April-Fool’s-tier attempt to shield them from our influence. At no point were we in conflict with our own coalition of counter-protesters. Several expressed thanks and noted their increased sense of safety upon our arrival. We collaborated to embrace a diversity of tactics.

From Daily Public, neo-Nazis from ‘Ayran Renaissance Society’ hold up flyers reading ‘White Lives Matter.’ Scott Lacey (left) and Todd Biro, recently profiled here.

Aging right-wing Buffalo city officials delivered a series of bullshit speeches -ranging from sleep-inducing praises of the constitution to unabashedly deceitful Malcolm X references. Our coalition countered shouting the names of those killed in police custody and at the Erie County holding center: “Their blood is on your hands! Murderers!” The Trump supporters and neo-Nazis made several attempts to incite violence from safely behind a wall of cops. At one point a “Don’t Tread on Me” type crossed the police line to pick a fight. We closed ranks and protected our own, thus exposing the police’s unwillingness to do their so-called jobs. Multiple scheduled speakers referred to us as “masked cowards,” yet it was clear from our side of the blue line that our community is as courageous as it is vulnerable, and unbreakable through its solidarity. Our collective strength will not be leeched by the institutions that simultaneously defend, sanction, and fraternize with white supremacists and Aryan Renaissance Society militants (Horace Scott Lacy and Todd Biro).

Toward the end of the rally, police presence was noticeably bolstered. We received word that the neo-Nazis planned to rush our comrades and jump our black bloc contingent. We coordinated an exit strategy on the fly, ensured our community exited safely and dispersed ourselves. No arrests were made, and nobody was hurt. While our primary objective of safeguarding our community was achieved, our secondary target–stealing the organizer’s tricorner hat—fell out of our grasp. Operation #GetThatHat will resume at a later date! In the meantime, we will work at every juncture to harness collective strength in the name of self-determination, and to build our community’s autonomy throughout liberated Buffalo.

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