Filed under: Anti-fascist, Editorials, Southeast
We are releasing over a hundred images from an old Twitter account and an email for Casey Jordan Cooper, an Atlanta-area “Alt-Right” white nationalist.
Cooper was exposed by anti-racists earlier this year for his white power organizing. Despite outcry, Cooper remains a law student at Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School.
With two exceptions, the screen-caps are unedited:
(1) We removed the street number from a Milton Ave address, because we have no evidence that racists eventually purchased this property; and
(2) We edited out Casey Cooper’s old address, since Cooper has subsequently left that apartment building.
This information leak shows the extent of Casey Cooper’s white power efforts. It also contains much information about how “Alt-Right” white nationalists have organized regionally, including an email invitation list for the Atlanta Forum white power gathering. We hope that anti-racists in Georgia and beyond put this information to good use.