Aug 20, 21

Alpacalypse Now: How a Trans Anarchist Homestead Defended Itself From Far-Right Attacks

In rural Colorado, the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch is building a trans-anarchist homestead and autonomous infrastructure while experimenting in permaculture and raising alpacas.... Read Full Article

Sep 28, 22

Canadian Tire Fire #45: Drilling Begins Under Wedzin Kwa, An End To Migrant Detention in Nova Scotia Prisons

cover photo: @critcim On September 19th, the day of a national commemorative ceremony for Queen Elizabeth, folks on the west coast held... Read Full Article

Sep 26, 22

IGD Turns 7: Support Grassroots Autonomous Media and Help Us Reach Our Summer Fundraising Goal!

This summer, It’s Going Down turned 7 years old. A lot has changed since 2015 when this project began, and after four... Read Full Article

Aug 16, 21

This Week in Fascism #117: Violence Explodes as Proud Boys Unite with Far-Right Churches and Anti-Vaxxers

cover photo: @AlissaAzar Welcome fellow antifascists! Across the so-called United States, far-Right and fascist forces have embedded themselves within the growing tensions... Read Full Article