Aug 2, 21

Canadian Tire Fire #8: Status For All Day of Action, Land Defense Updates, New Cop Technology and a Wildcat Strike

This week brought a number of updates from the struggle against the Trans Mountain Expansion pipeline project on the west coast. It... Read Full Article

Sep 14, 22

Canadian Tire Fire #44: Status For All, Police Violence and Rail Blockades

1492 Land Back Lane is due back in court on September 12th and 13th for hearings during which Haldimand County and failed... Read Full Article

Sep 10, 22

Looking Back on the Nation Wide George Floyd Uprising

On this episode, we are joined by members of Unity and Struggle, who discuss their recent analysis piece, Big Brick Energy, and... Read Full Article

Jul 28, 21

In Contempt #7: Charges Dropped, Charges Filed

A lot has gone on this month. From comrades like Loren Reed getting out (again!), to abolitionists in Florida getting their charges... Read Full Article