Dec 22, 20

This Is America #133: Salem Antifascists Speak-out; Discussion on COVID Deaths, Social Media & Civil War

Welcome, to This Is America, December 22nd, 2020. On this episode, first we bring you an interview with several antifascists based out... Read Full Article

Apr 30, 22

This Is America #165: Report from Grand Rapids; Direct Action Reports; Eviction Wave in NYC

Welcome, to This Is America, April 30th, 2022. On this episode, first we present an interview with someone on the ground in Grand... Read Full Article

Apr 27, 22

Lakeside Community Pushes Back Counter-Protesters Screaming Racial Slurs At Rally Denouncing Racist Stabbing of 16 Year-Old

Report from antifascists in Lakeside, CA, about an anti-racist mobilization in the wake of a brutal racist attack. Far-Right counter-protesters attempted to... Read Full Article

Dec 16, 20

Seattle Park Barricaded Against Potential Sweep; Vacant Buildings Occupied

A proposed sweep by law enforcement of Cal Anderson Park in Seattle, Washington was halted Wednesday, at least for the time being,... Read Full Article