Aug 22, 24

This is America #199: Antifascist Report from the UK, Vicky Osterweil on Election Cycle Amidst Ongoing Genocide

Welcome, to This Is America, August 21st, 2024. In today’s episode, first we speak with the host of 12 Rules for What?,... Read Full Article

Sep 10, 24

From the Camp to the Campus: Reflections on the UC Davis Encampment

Report and analysis on the encampment in solidarity with Palestine at UC Davis. Originally posted to UC Davis Cops off Campus. The... Read Full Article

Sep 9, 24

Grants Pass and the Carceral Conjuncture

A look at the growing social crisis of housing and increasing attacks on the houseless following the recent Grants Pass decision. Originally... Read Full Article

Aug 6, 24

UK Communities Mobilize to Defend Themselves as Police Fail to Stop Far-Right Attacks Spurred by Viral Misinformation

Following the tragic murder of three children, a viral campaign of far-Right misinformation pushed by neo-Nazi groups like Patriotic Alternative, far-Right grifters... Read Full Article