Aug 5, 19

This Week in Fascism #21: When Antifascism Means Giving Blood

Welcome, fellow antifascists! This week, we’ve got a racist lawyer in Tennessee getting doxxed; Proud Boys in Chicago and Philadelphia exposed; a... Read Full Article

Sep 21, 21

Canadian Tire Fire #12: Good Riddance to the Election; Anarchist Gatherings; Fairy Creek Arrests Hit Over 1K; Student Walkout in London

cover photo: @KanahusFreedom The past few weeks saw a number of anarchist gatherings across so-called Canada, along with the announcement of a... Read Full Article

Sep 21, 21

Where Movements Go to Die: An Analysis of Activist Counterinsurgency in Lincoln, Nebraska

Content Warning: This essay focuses on a social justice movement and therefore discusses police violence against black people, sexual assault, and self-defense... Read Full Article

Jul 31, 19

How Pacific Northwest Soccer Fans Are Building Antifascist Culture

A report from soccer fans in the Pacific Northwest about the struggle to build and hold onto an antifascist culture within the... Read Full Article