Jun 4, 23

Revolutionary Trans Politics and the Three Way Fight: An Interview with Rowan

Rowan speaks with Three Way Fight about creating a revolutionary analysis of growing gender fascist attacks on trans-people and the need to... Read Full Article

Dec 19, 23

Lacey, WA: Report Back from ‘Blockade the Genocide’ Action

Report back on blockade of Amazon distribution center for their role in support the ongoing genocide in Palestine. Originally posted to Puget... Read Full Article

Dec 12, 23

Canadian Tire Fire #66: Solidarity Demonstrations and Blockades Spread, Encampment Defense

In this issue, we bring you a round up of a huge number of actions and demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine that... Read Full Article

May 27, 23

Independent Media in the Social Struggle: An Interview with Avispa Midia

The following features an interview between IGD and Avispa Midia about the role of independent and autonomous media in social struggles in... Read Full Article