May 6, 22

Natasha Lennard on Growing Attacks on Reproductive Freedom and Legal Analysis

photo: @fla_ylf On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we present two interview, the first with our legal correspondent who... Read Full Article

Mar 9, 23

Ron DeSantis, Interstate Autocratization, and Building Resistance

Support Vishal Singh HERE Florida’s far-Right Republican governor Ron DeSantis spoke in Southern California over the weekend— kicking off a pre-election book... Read Full Article

Mar 8, 23

Canadian Tire Fire #55: CGL and TMX Updates, Immigration Policy, and Fighting Encampment Evictions

This week we bring you a series of updates about Coastal Gaslink Pipeline, including recent acts of sabotage against the project and... Read Full Article

May 4, 22

“How Far We’ve Come”: Austin in the Streets Against Attacks on Abortion Access

Report on demonstration in support or reproductive freedom and autonomy in so-called Austin, Texas. The memory of 2020 is still around and... Read Full Article