Apr 11, 23

Night Owls #4: Winter’s Embers

Download pamphlet: Print – Tabloid Download action poster:  Print – Tabloid  [For a Risograph] A banner dropped in Eugene, OR this past... Read Full Article

Nov 19, 23

Mass Protests and Direct Actions in Solidarity With Palestine Grow into Student Occupations and Blockades

photo: Ash Agony on X/Twitter / Support Here Direct actions, mass demonstrations, and increasingly, disruptive protests in support of occupied Palestine and to... Read Full Article

Nov 14, 23

Barricades, Rocks and Blockades Shut Down Defense Contractor Raytheon in El Segundo

Report from Black Powder Press on recent direct action and blockade in Southern California against defense contractor, Raytheon. On Monday, November 13th... Read Full Article

Apr 5, 23

One Person Killed and Two Members of Reno Food not Bombs Hospitalized After Vehicle Attack

Two volunteers with the mutual aid group Reno Food Not Bombs are in “critical, but stable condition” and one unhoused person, Michelle... Read Full Article