May 27, 23

Independent Media in the Social Struggle: An Interview with Avispa Midia

The following features an interview between IGD and Avispa Midia about the role of independent and autonomous media in social struggles in... Read Full Article

Jan 13, 24

This Is America #192: Seattle Mutual Aid Hub & Garden Attacked; Week of Action Against MVP; Forest Defense in California

Welcome, to This Is America, January 13th, 2024. In this episode, as we get back into the grove of a new year,... Read Full Article

Jan 13, 24

Cities Across the US Set to Gather for “Day of the Forest Defender” in Memory of Tortuguita

On January 18th, cities across the so-called US and beyond will hold events honoring the life and legacy of Tortuguita, responding to... Read Full Article

May 21, 23

Storming In: Struggle in Atlanta Against Cop City Continues Despite Repression

Report from Atlanta, as demonstrations continue against the Cop City project in the face of ongoing repression. On May 15th, around 500... Read Full Article