Jun 5, 23

This Is America #187: Anger Erupts in New York; Democrats Push Farther Right

photo: @protest_nyc Welcome, to This Is America, June 5th, 2023. On today’s episode, we start off with a discussion on recent protests... Read Full Article

Jan 17, 24

Resistance, Repression, and the Fight Against the Mountain Valley Pipeline Six Years On in Appalachia

For over six years, Appalachian people have been waging a non-stop campaign of direct action to stop the construction of the Mountain... Read Full Article

Jan 16, 24

“Fight For Others, Like You Would Fight For Your Own Freedom”: Eric King on Building a Fighting Abolitionist Movement

In this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we present an interview with former anarchist political prisoner Eric King along with... Read Full Article

May 31, 23

Atlanta Police and Georgia Bureau of Investigation Raid Atlanta Solidarity Fund, Arrest Three Organizers

Report from the Atlanta Community Press Collective (ACPC) on recent raid by law enforcement against the Atlanta Solidarity Fund. Just after 9:00... Read Full Article