Nov 2, 22

In Contempt #22: Alabama Prison Strike Put on Hold, Plans Next Steps

In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed... Read Full Article

Jul 28, 23

Canadian Tire Fire #62: Anarchist Bookfairs, #SearchTheLandfill, Fighting the Housing Crisis and Prison News

cover photo: @ElJonesPoet and @LeeShingoose In this issue we bring you details on upcoming anarchist bookfairs in Halifax and Hamilton. We’ve also... Read Full Article

Jul 24, 23

In the End the Forest Will Triumph: A Report from the Terrain Vague in Montreal

Report on the ongoing struggle to save the Terrain Vague green space and commons in so-called Montreal. Originally published in Territories. CORRECTION:... Read Full Article

Oct 30, 22

Antifascists Defend Protest at UC Davis from Violent Attack by the Sacramento Proud Boys

Report on antifascist defense of a counter-rally against Turning Point USA on the UC Davis campus and how antifascists were able to... Read Full Article