Apr 8, 22

This Is America #163: Walkouts Grow Against Gender Fascist Legislation; Interview with Certain Days and Eric King

Welcome, to This Is America, April 8th, 2022. First up, we have a special interview with someone involved in the Certain Days... Read Full Article

Mar 9, 23

Ron DeSantis, Interstate Autocratization, and Building Resistance

Support Vishal Singh HERE Florida’s far-Right Republican governor Ron DeSantis spoke in Southern California over the weekend— kicking off a pre-election book... Read Full Article

Mar 8, 23

Canadian Tire Fire #55: CGL and TMX Updates, Immigration Policy, and Fighting Encampment Evictions

This week we bring you a series of updates about Coastal Gaslink Pipeline, including recent acts of sabotage against the project and... Read Full Article

Apr 1, 22

In Contempt #15: Eric King’s Trial Ends; Updates on Uprising Defendants; State Targets Mutual Aid Groups; Dispatches from Mongoose Distro

Welcome to your monthly installment of In Contempt. As always, there’s lots to cover. From good news about anarchist prisoner Eric King,... Read Full Article