Mar 30, 22

Boston Shows Why We Can’t Allow the Far-Right to Take the Initiative or Hold Public Space

photo: @mgarcia6206 Last weekend in South Boston, around 50 people mobilized to counter a possible appearance by the neo-Nazi group the Nationalist... Read Full Article

Mar 6, 23

“The Amount of Solidarity is Incredible Here”: Voices on the Frontlines of the Fight to Stop Cop City

“A massive victory,” is how one participant, “Jean,” who spoke to It’s Going Down in a recent interview, described this weekend’s mobilization... Read Full Article

Mar 1, 23

In Contempt #26: Fight to Free Mumia Continues; Keith LaMar on Hunger Strike; Repression Ramps Up

In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed... Read Full Article

Mar 25, 22

This Is America #162: Student Walkouts Continue; McGill Occupation; An Anti-Capitalist Analysis of High Gas Prices

photo: @DivestMcGill Welcome, to This Is America, March 25th, 2022. On today’s episode, first we speak with someone involved in a recent... Read Full Article