Apr 19, 22

Modibo Kadalie on Capitalism, Slavery, and the Rise of Maroon Resistance in the Great Dismal Swamp

On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, with speak with author, organizer, and people’s historian, Modibo Kadalie, who talks about... Read Full Article

Mar 13, 23

Independent Autopsy Reveals Tortuguita Killed While Seated with Hands Raised

Report from the Atlanta Community Press Collective (ACPC) on the results of an independent autopsy of slain forest defender, Manuel “Tortuguita” Esteban... Read Full Article

Mar 10, 23

After Neo-Nazis Threaten March by Trans Youth, Proud Boys Associate Pulls Gun While Sacramento Police Look On

Over 75 pro-LGBTQ+ and antifascist demonstrators rallied in downtown Sacramento on March 10th, opposing a much smaller anti-trans rally that attracted neo-Nazis... Read Full Article

Apr 11, 22

Why Graduate Workers at Indiana University in Bloomington Are Set to Strike

Around a thousand graduate workers at Indiana University are set to strike, after fighting for years for livable wages and an end... Read Full Article