Jun 16, 21

The Culture of Vehicular Attacks: On the Murder of Deona Marie Erickson

Joint statement from CrimethInc. and Its Going Down on the recent murder of Deona Maire Erickson and its wider implications and context.... Read Full Article

Aug 11, 22

Between Centrist Decorum and Far-Right Power Grab: Some Critical Notes on the Recent Trump Raid

A critical analysis of the neoliberal Center and the Trumpian-Right in the context of the recent FBI raid on Trump’s home in... Read Full Article

Aug 11, 22

​​​​​​​You Don’t Need a Key if You Can Change the Locks

Thousands are on the wait list of public housing in Chicago while thousands of units remain vacant. The follow report looks at... Read Full Article

Jun 12, 21

The Murder of Winston Boogie Smith and the Pattern of Police Assassination

A look at the recent killing of Winston Boogie Smith in so-called Minneapolis by federal law enforcement, how the media rushed to... Read Full Article