Nov 19, 23

Mass Protests and Direct Actions in Solidarity With Palestine Grow into Student Occupations and Blockades

photo: Ash Agony on X/Twitter / Support Here Direct actions, mass demonstrations, and increasingly, disruptive protests in support of occupied Palestine and to... Read Full Article

Feb 29, 24

In Contempt #38: Victor Puertas is Free, Repression Hits Atlanta, Protesters Rally in Solidarity with Strike Call in Alabama

photo: Ash Agony, Support Here In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings,... Read Full Article

Feb 27, 24

Summit Against ‘Cop City’ Concludes in Tucson as Hundreds March in NYC

On Friday, February 23rd, a summit against the “Cop City” counter-insurgency training facility in Atlanta, Georgia kicked off in so-called Tucson, Arizona,... Read Full Article

Nov 11, 23

A Front-line Report from the West Bank of Occupied Palestine

On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, IGD contributor Scott Campbell speaks with a Palestinian comrade based in Ramallah, which... Read Full Article