Jul 10, 20

Blood Feast: AMLO Goes to Washington

Analysis of AMLO’s recent visit to the white house to celebrate the revamped NAFTA trade deal, now called the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement... Read Full Article

Jan 29, 22

The “Comrades” Conspiracy: An Interview on the Greek State’s Use of Pretrial Conditions to Persecute Anarchists

"The state wants to not only prosecute anarchists and those it deems enemies, but also to destroy their lives, their relationships, and cause both psychological and physical trauma regardless of having a conviction."

Jan 28, 22

Defending The Atlanta Forest: Background and Reportback on Week of Action

Report from recent week of action in so-called Atlanta to #StopCopCity. Follow Defend the Atlanta Forest and Scenes from the Atlanta Forest... Read Full Article

Jul 7, 20

This Week in Fascism #67: A Hoax Upon All Your Houses

Welcome, fellow antifascists! This week, we’ve got the police targeting journalists in Portland, the Albuqueque Journal writing a puff piece whitewashing a... Read Full Article