Aug 31, 23

Asheville Police Use New Drone Unit to Surveil Grand Opening Of Anarchist Bookstore

Editorial from the Firestorm Bookstore and Co-op in so-called Asheville, North Carolina about police surveillance of the space’s grand re-opening. The opening... Read Full Article

Feb 15, 24

Canadian Tire Fire #68: Resisting the Northvolt Battery Plant, Students Walkout Against Anti-Trans Laws, Palestine Solidarity Continues

In today’s column, we take a look at the forms of resistance taking shape against Quebec’s Northvolt battery plant. We also look... Read Full Article

Feb 12, 24

Communities Across US Rally in Support of ‘Stop Cop City’ Activists Targeted in Atlanta Raids

People took to the streets across the US over the past several days following violent police raids in Atlanta, which targeted the... Read Full Article

Aug 17, 23

Canadian Tire Fire #64: Resisting the World Police and Fire Games, Prisoner Justice Day and Tenant Actions

This week we bring you news from Winnipeg, where folks gave a defiant welcome to cops from over 70 countries. We also... Read Full Article