Jan 19, 23

Solidarity with the Movement to Stop Cop City and Defend Weelaunee Forest

Statement in solidarity with the movement to stop Cop City and defend the Weelaunee forest. To add your name or organization, please... Read Full Article

Oct 21, 23

Netanyahu, the Global far-Right, and Building Solidarity with Palestine: In Conversation with Scott Campbell

On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we host a discussion with IGD contributor Scott Campbell, as we cover the... Read Full Article

Oct 17, 23

Thousands Take to the Streets Across US and Canada In Solidarity with Palestine As War in Gaza Escalates

Tens of thousands of people across so-called North America and millions across the world are taking to the streets in solidarity with... Read Full Article

Jan 13, 23

Opponents of Cop City Project in Atlanta Call for ‘Weekend of Solidarity’

Opponents of the “Cop City” project in so-called Atlanta, Georgia – a massive corporate backed counter-insurgency police training facility that threatens to... Read Full Article