Nov 17, 20

This Week In Fascism #83: Proud Boys Stab DC Residents; anti-BLM SWAT Cop, Oath Keepers Chats Reveal Drive for Violence

Welcome fellow antifascists! We have some big stories this week. The trial for a Three Percenter militia member connected to a string... Read Full Article

Apr 26, 22

State Drops Lawsuit Against Housing Protesters in Boise; Agrees to Build More Units for Houseless

Report on the end of an ongoing protest for housing and against police harassment at the Boise state capitol, the dropping of... Read Full Article

Apr 25, 22

Canadian Tire Fire #35: More Actions Against Pipeline Profiteers, The Fight For Old Growth, Neo-Nazi Training Group Exposed

cover image: @SaveFairyCreek This week we present updates about ongoing struggles across so-called Canada, a roundup of May Day events, news from... Read Full Article

Nov 13, 20

Trump Administration Promoting DC Rally Featuring White Nationalists, Proud Boys, and Boogaloo Militias

A far-Right and pro-Trump rally being organized and promoted by white nationalists, Proud Boys, and militia groups is also finding support from... Read Full Article