Aug 11, 20

Six Nations Land Reclamation of #1492LandBackLane Enters Into Third Week

Starting on July 19th, indigenous Six Nations land defenders launched a “Land Back” reclamation of the McKenzie Meadows development which borders the... Read Full Article

Feb 8, 22

Canadian Tire Fire #28: Push Back Against Far-Right Convoys Spread as Anger Grows in Ottawa

Our report this week will focus mainly on the ongoing anti-mandate, far-Right convoys and responses across so-called Canada. This week on @CdnTireFire,... Read Full Article

Feb 8, 22

Critical Notes From On the Ground in Ottawa

Originally published on North Shore Counter-Info, the following reflection offers critical notes on the far-Right convoy in Ottawa and how it is... Read Full Article

Aug 6, 20

Keep Calm and Get Prepared: A Look Into Month Three of the Portland Uprising with the Portland GDC

An amazing look at the uprising in so-called Portland, three months in. Recorded and produced by The Final Straw. This week we... Read Full Article