Jul 25, 20

This Is America #122: Report from DC; Mapping the Strategy of the DHS

Welcome, to This Is America, July 25th, 2020. On this episode, we sat down with an anarchist of color out of Washington... Read Full Article

Feb 3, 22

This Is America #159: Building Tenant Power in the PNW and Prisoner Hunger Strikes in the Bay Area

Welcome, to This Is America, February 2nd, 2022. Ice, snow, & rainfall + slumlord management = Constant ceiling leaks. Tenants at Tecton-managed... Read Full Article

Feb 1, 22

In Contempt #13: Hunger Strikes Spread; Eric King’s Mail Ban Ends; Florida Prisoners Launch Sit-In; Arrests in Atlanta

photo: Radical Graffiti We’ve got a jam packed installment of In Contempt this month! From updates on political prisoners, George Floyd uprising... Read Full Article

Jul 17, 20

Solidarity with the People in the Streets of Portland: Against the Federal Occupation

The following statement, written along with our comrades at CrimethInc., discusses the ongoing police and DHS actions in Portland, Oregon. On Thursday,... Read Full Article