Apr 24, 20

As Unemployment Reaches Depression Era Levels, Autonomous Tenant Movement Seems Poised to Explode

On April 1st, people across the world refused to pay their rent, as the coronvirus outbreak created a ripple effect throughout the... Read Full Article

Dec 15, 21

This Is America #154: Inflation, Class War, and MAGA Factions Jostle for Power

photo: Detroit IWW Welcome, to This Is America, December 15th, 2021. On this episode we cover resistance news: from clashes in the... Read Full Article

Dec 13, 21

Canadian Tire Fire #23: Gidimt’en Calls for Week of Action, Defund the Ottawa Police, Encampment Solidarity Updates

photo: @RisingTideTor As CGL attempts to move forward with their work on the Yintah, inching ever closer to drilling under Wedzin Kwa,... Read Full Article

Apr 20, 20

This Week in Fascism #55: Astroturfed Rallies Attract Far-Right; Neo-Nazis Attempt Bombing of Old Folks Home

Welcome, fellow antifascists! This week, we’ve got the far-Right organizing protests against public health guidelines, an attempted bombing against a Massachusetts assisted... Read Full Article