Jun 27, 19

This Is America #79: Now It’s Time to Fight

Welcome, to This Is America, June 27th, 2019. We have a jam packed show. First off, we talk with someone from No... Read Full Article

Aug 31, 21

This Week in Fascism #118: Anti-Vaxx & Anti-Mask Movement Gets Violent; Communities Confront Proud Boys; Anti-Immigrant Trump Supporter Threatens DC with Bomb

Welcome fellow antifascists! We’re back again with another action packed column. We bring you antifascist campaign reports from up and down the... Read Full Article

Aug 27, 21

Twenty Years of War, Occupation & Counter-Insurgency: A Conversation on Afghanistan

On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we speak with a former veteran and author of a recent piece on... Read Full Article

Jun 25, 19

This Week in Fascism #15: Oregon Militias Mobilize for GOP

Welcome, fellow antifascists! This week is our first milkshake-free column in a month, but we do have the Oregon GOP aligning themselves... Read Full Article