Apr 30, 19

Interview on the Global #RiseUp4Rojava Solidarity Campaign

As we speak, thousands of Kurdish prisoners have gone on hunger strike, the Turkish State has outlawed May Day demonstrations, and Afrin... Read Full Article

Jul 23, 21

Cuban Anarchists On Context and Importance of the Recent Wave of Protests

On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we speak with an anarchist from Cuba and a Cuban-American anarchist living in... Read Full Article

Jul 22, 21

This Week In Fascism #116: Proud Boys Confronted in Salem; Injured Protesters to Sue LAPD; Neo-Nazi Proud Boy Running for School Board Outed

Welcome fellow antifascists! Have we got an action packed week for you! From clashes in Los Angeles against anti-trans groups like the... Read Full Article

Apr 23, 19

More Than Half Way There: Help Us Reach Our Goal

Here at It’s Going Down, we really want to take a moment and thank everyone that stepped up, bought items from our... Read Full Article