Mar 1, 23

Cities Across the US Take Part in ‘Week of Action’ Against Cop City

Over the past week, dozens of cities across the so-called US took part in the recent week of action in solidarity with... Read Full Article

Nov 14, 23

Barricades, Rocks and Blockades Shut Down Defense Contractor Raytheon in El Segundo

Report from Black Powder Press on recent direct action and blockade in Southern California against defense contractor, Raytheon. On Monday, November 13th... Read Full Article

Nov 14, 23

Police Attack Protesters As Hundreds March Against Cop City in Atlanta, Halt Construction

Press release on recent mobilization against Cop City in so-called Atlanta that was attacked by police. Originally posted to Stop Cop City... Read Full Article

Feb 22, 23

Canadian Tire Fire #54: Police Killings, Fighting Police Budgets, Atlanta Solidarity

This week, we cover the astronomical increase in killings by police in BC, as well as police murders that have taken place... Read Full Article