Mar 15, 22

Students Walking Out Against “Don’t Say Gay” Bill in Florida Defend Themselves Against Violent Trump Supporters Screaming “White Power!”

Florida Youth Liberation Front (YLF) reports on a violent attack by Trump supporters against a walkout by students at Western High School... Read Full Article

Feb 27, 23

It’s Going Down Takes Over “It Could Happen Here”

In case you missed it, It’s Going Down has released a series of shows on the popular podcast It Could Happen Here,... Read Full Article

Feb 27, 23

Experiences in Thurston County Jail and Thoughts Towards Tearing It All Down

A critical look at how the jail system in Thurston County functions within wider capitalist society and some ideas for bringing it... Read Full Article

Mar 8, 22

Canadian Tire Fire #31: Wet’suwet’en Updates, Policing News, and Aftermath of the Convoy

Last week, the Kapawe’no First Nation in northern Alberta announced that up to 169 unmarked graves had been found near the site... Read Full Article