Feb 15, 22

The Fight Against the Jordan Cove Pipeline and Corporate Counter-Insurgency

In this episode, we spoke with someone in Siskiyou Rising Tide, about the long-term struggle which defeated the Jordan Cove Pipeline, a... Read Full Article

Feb 13, 23

This Is America #181: Interview with Vishal Singh on Growing Gender Fascist Attacks; Roundup of Resistance to Cop City

Welcome, to This Is America, February 13th, 2023. On today’s episode, first we speak with antifascist journalist Vishal Singh, about being kicked... Read Full Article

Feb 9, 23

Canadian Tire Fire #53: Bail Reform For the Worse, Drug Decriminalization, and Prison Construction Updates

This week we look at a call from politicians to make it harder for prisoners to get bail, updates on prison construction... Read Full Article

Feb 12, 22

In Defense of Anarchist Memory: One-Hundred Years Since the Death of Ricardo Flores Magón

Statement from anarchists in so-called Mexico calling for a year of activity to defend and continue the anarchist memory of Ricardo Flores... Read Full Article