Dec 31, 20

This Week in Fascism #89: ‘Patriots’ Vandalize Charlottesville Marcher’s Vehicle, Blame ‘ANTIFA’ & Set Up Crowdfunding Campaign

Welcome fellow antifascists! We’ve got some juicy stories this week! From a large-scale neo-Nazi terror plot being exposed, to a round of... Read Full Article

May 13, 22

Rights Are Made in the Streets, Not the Courts: On Leaked Supreme Court Draft Overturning Roe v. Wade

The following is a statement and analysis from the Black Rose / Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation about the current push to overturn... Read Full Article

May 10, 22

Manhattan Mobilization Defends Clinic From Anti-Choice Protesters

Report on successful mobilization in defense of a reproductive health clinic in Manhattan, New York, which blocked a group of anti-choice protesters... Read Full Article

Dec 24, 20

Toward Refusal: An Analysis of the Demonstrations for Kenneth Jones in Omaha

A critical reflection on the wave of demonstrations that broke out in November following the police murder of Kenneth Jones in so-called... Read Full Article