Dec 23, 20

D12 Report-Back and Antifascist Resistance in the Era of “Stop the Steal”

A critical reflection on the antifascist mobilization in Washington DC on December 12 that discusses what went well and what lessons can... Read Full Article

May 9, 22

Off-Duty Police Protecting Forest Destroying Bulldozer Pushed Out of Atlanta Forest by Land Defenders

The following report, submitted anonymously, details how a bulldozer, accompanied by off-duty police, destroyed part of a Dekalb County park, before being... Read Full Article

May 9, 22

Canadian Tire Fire #36: May Day Report Backs, More Direct Action Against RBC

This week we round up some news from International Workers’ Day, or May Day. We also share news from the struggle against... Read Full Article

Dec 20, 20

In Honor of Karen Smith, in Solidarity with Keith Soanes and All Those Incarcerated

Report on recent noise demo and demonstration in memory of anarchist and abolitionist Karen Smith who passed away in November and in... Read Full Article