Nov 13, 20

This Is America #129 : Post-Election Analysis as the Trumpian State Calls on the far-Right for Support

Welcome, to This Is America, November 13th, 2020. On this episode, first feature an interview with someone who works on the This... Read Full Article

Apr 1, 22

Between Climate Chaos and Social War: An Interview with Peter Gelderloos

On this episode of It’s Going Down,  we again speak with anarchist theorist and author Peter Gelderloos, who discusses his new book,... Read Full Article

Apr 1, 22

In Contempt #15: Eric King’s Trial Ends; Updates on Uprising Defendants; State Targets Mutual Aid Groups; Dispatches from Mongoose Distro

Welcome to your monthly installment of In Contempt. As always, there’s lots to cover. From good news about anarchist prisoner Eric King,... Read Full Article

Nov 10, 20

This Week in Fascism #82: Proud Boys Attack Sacramento; Trump Calls on Supporters for Help

Welcome fellow antifascists! We’ve got a massive column for you this week! First, we have a report back from Antifa Sacramento about... Read Full Article